Welcome to the world's
most Unique NFT collection.
Dorian Gray sold his soul so the sins he committed would not affect his appearance, but would instead affect his Portrait. While he was able to maintain an appearance of Eternal Youth and Beauty, the painting showed the true state of his Soul.
We realised that by combining Facial Expression Recognition Technology, Psychology and AI Art it would be possible to perform a similar feat: To create a portrait of someone that revealed their inner Soul for the world to see.
Serial Killers
Our first presentation is Murderabilia, a Collection of 1700 Individual Portraits of the world’s most notorious Serial Killers, created using Facial Expression Recognition Technology and A.I. Art, on the Ethereum Blockchain.
Join us as we descend into the darkest recesses of the human mind. We invite you to witness, and bid on, The Pictures of Dorian Gray.
The Pictures of Dorian Gray

The Pictures of Dorian Gray uses Facial Expression Recognition Technology, Psychological Profiling and AI Art Algorithms to create unique images. These images represent the psychological make-up or the ‘Soul’ of the subject.

Jeffrey Dahmer



The Pictures of Dorian Gray:
The Pictures of Dorian Gray: Perspectives uses AI Art software to convert the representations of the serial killers into different styles of Art modifying the physical appearance, age, race, and, in some cases, the genders of the individuals. After removing all variables from the equation, is it possible to recognise the essence of the Serial Killer? Can we, to some extent, isolate and identify ‘Evil’ itself?
It also raises questions of identity and diversity. Who would we be, had we been born somewhere else, as someone else? Would our outcomes have been the same? It also invites us to confront our prejudices. Do we feel more likely to forgive or condemn the individual based on their racial or gender make-up, especially if it matches our own?


Facial expression recognition software uses biometric markers to detect emotions in human faces. It uses algorithms to instantaneously detect faces, code facial expressions, and recognize emotional states.
Most current Facial Expression Recognition Technologies are able to automatically detect the six basic or universal expressions: happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, and disgust.
We have been able to develop a system that is able to interpret more ambiguous and subtle emotions. Not only through the expression itself, but the sum total of the expressions that people have expressed through their lives, that have left indelible marks on their face.
First, we analysed any available Psychiatric literature, then we analysed videos and photographs of public figures to map their emotions and personality traits. The next step was to convert the photographs into Artistic representations using AI Art software. As the Art Algorithm is perfectly repeatable and free from human bias, we were able to map the results of the Facial Expression results onto the Artistic interpretations with confidence and create works of Art that function as visual representations of the Person’s soul.
Thoughts and emotions create subtle changes in the way humans hold their faces. Obsessive thoughts would turn these subtle changes into a more permanent state through muscle memory. These permanent changes, while still far too subtle for the human eye to interpret, can be magnified by the AI program which interprets the binary data it receives and exaggerates these subtleties into something clearly visible to the human eye.


Usually, Facial Expression technology is used to interpret human emotions and traits in a similar fashion to the way humans themselves have learned and evolved to interpret emotions and traits in others.
In this Presentation, the images have been deliberately distorted for artistic effect meaning a new visual language to is required to interpret the pictures.

Eyes are linked with vision. Not vision in the sense of sight, but in terms of world view and how they perceive the world.
in a heightened state of awareness. In some rare instances we see examples of multiple eyes, denoting a peculiarly multi-layered vision, someone seeing things from more
perspectives, or different perspectives than the average person. In the rarest circumstance eyes that are in entirely the wrong place.
This represents seeing the world not through normal human vision but
entirely through a subjective, inner perspective.

The Nose
The Nose is linked heavily with notions of disgust.

The Mouth
Linked heavily to the ability to speak and in a wider sense the ability to Express oneself in totality.

Highly correlated with people of an obsessive nature. People who have been overtaken by some ideology, fixation or their own mania.

Here we come to the potentially revolutionary part of our Presentation.
We believe it’s possible our system has demonstrated that brain injury
can be diagnosed from a photograph.

But wait it gets weirder…
During our research we have come across some strange ‘synchronicities’.
We’ve noticed that some people claiming to hear voices or experiencing hallucinations were represented with areas of their brain emitting or receiving light. It’s possible that part of the brain is being ‘overstimulated’ in some capacity and releasing heat energy which the camera is recording as light.
It would easy to delve into pseudo-science and pure metaphysics at this point, and postulate that the image is actually evidence of Quantum information being released or received; That certain individuals are, in
fact, receiving messages exactly as they claimed. The downright Kooky.
John Paul Knowles was known as the Casanova killer. Upon feeding the photographs of him into the system, the AI Algorithm interpreted him as being engaged in the act of kissing someone. The AI
program seemed to understand that the subject was involved in some psychological, or non-physical, relationship with someone not physically present. This raises all sorts of scientific, metaphysical, theological
and spiritual questions, questions that we cannot begin to answer and which we will leave open to discussion and interpretation.Â
Why choose us?
The Collection has Genuine Artistic Value. We hope this will radically affect the floor price in both the immediate, and long-term future.
Intrinsic Value. There is a huge market for Murderabilia. People are fascinated by Serial Killers.
The collection has an intrinsic Scientific value. We are pushing the boundaries of Facial Expression Recognition technology as a diagnostic tool.
The collection has a specific Historic value in that it is the very first collection in history to combine Facial Expression technology with AI Art.
We are releasing other collections that will dramatically expand the scope of the Pictures of Dorian Gray. The project can remain infinitely relevant over Time
We are committed to exploring each and every avenue to add value and functionality to our NFTs, including creating our own Token, NFT Staking, NFT Loans and developing Side-Projects from which holders of our NFTs can benefit. The initial impetus will go towards establishing the brand and raising the floor price of the NFTS.
Q1 2024
Marketing. Giveaways and Airdrop. Release on Opensea.
Q2 2024
Profile report on every minted Serial Killer on our website.
Q2 2024
Development of Private Club.
Q2 2024
Release of Pictures of Dorian Gray: Dictators.
Q2 2024
Release of Pictures of Dorian Gray: Big Brother
Q3 2024
Public and Virtual Exhibitions. Creation of Virtual gallery and VR Virtual gallery.
Q3 2024
Each Person minted from Series 2 will have their own profile.
Q4 2024
Each Person minted from Series 3 will have their own profile.

Petra Fyed
Machine Learning

Tea Time Killer

Ivan The Terrible
Research and Development

Denis the Menace
AI Art
Frequently Asked Questions
By joining our Whitelist, or by buying them on Opensea after release. You will need a Metamask wallet, and some Ethereum.
The images have had their Metadata 'frozen' on Opensea, and are stored using IPFS to ensure that there is an immutable link to the content embedded on the blockchain.
No. We charge no fees for The Pictures of Dorian Gray transacted through the Opensea market beyond the ones charged by Ethereum (gas). There is, however, a Royalty, on the artwork of 5% which would be payable on sale.